Unbelieveable facts about cake

Now, We all enjoy a bit of cake
during celebratory events like birthdays and weddings or even at home when we
feel like a bit of sweet. The history of cake is rich with rituals and
symbolisms from different cultures and countries, all coming together to shape
the cakes we know today.
The facts are as below:
- Cakes were a part of strange rituals million years ago. The Celtic people celebrate a festival by name Beltane festival. During this festival, they lit bonfires atop a hill and will roll down round cakes from the hill. If the cake doesn’t break, they believe it will bring good fortune.
- Stack cakes are more or less orderly pile or heap. These cakes are definitely special. When a couple invites their friends and relatives for their wedding, it was a custom to bring a layer of cake. Each layer is stacked with apple butter. The popularity of the couple is determined by the height of the cake layer.
- Cheesecakes believed that these cakes are present since the bygone era. During the first Olympic Games, athletes were given cheesecakes.
- Cakes whose middle layer is covered with frosted cream are known as Whoopie pies. When farmers went out for work, Amish women wanted to give them a treat; therefore, they baked these pies and sent them in the lunchbox. These men were surprised to see a pie in their lunchbox and cried “Whoopie.”
- Baba cakes are traditional cakes baked by Slavic people. The dough was laid down on an eiderdown prior to actually baking the cake in the oven. These were prepared by women folks and men are not supposed to come into the kitchen till the cake is baked. They also believed that to bake the cake, there must be no noise. They don’t even whisper while baking this cake.
- Long ago, a women ate “red velvet cake’ in a restaurant and she liked it very much. She asked for the recipe and the restaurant promptly sent the recipe to her. She got furious when she received the recipe that she asked for; do you know why? She was charged $100 for asking this recipe. You know what she did? She sent this recipe as chain mail to hundreds and thousands of people she knew as revenge.
The above information helps to
know about the history of cake in different places. But now cake has modern form
and you can cake order online that whatever you
want and you can also send a combination of Flowers, Cake, Teddy.
Article resource: https://goo.gl/bZeS3y
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